Jul 27, 2020 | COVID-19
During this pandemic our social relationships have become as important to our physical and mental health. . For a range of circumstances is much more difficult when you live alone, or are feeling lonely due to being apart from your family, friends, and other personal...
Jul 26, 2020 | COVID-19
“It’s easier being in each other’s presence, or in each other’s absence, than in the constant presence of each other’s absence”. – Gianpiero Petriglieri We are so fortunate technology does such a great job of connecting us when working from home via virtual...
Jul 22, 2019 | Grief
Do you have a friend who is grieving Do you have a friend who is grieving and if you’re like most people, you’re never sure what to do or say when faced with someone’s pain and grief. Want more on how to help a grieving friend? How to help a grieving friend Want...